2 national sports associationsUS Acli and SUS (Sports Union of Slovenia), for: the drafted methodological implement approach; the sustainability and replicability of the actions through their national and international networks; guaranteeing large dissemination of project results.

3 sports clubs working in critical areas and with socially excluded people, (Champion ohne Grenzen EVConsell Esportiu del Pla de l’Estany and Girl Power Organisation) for the drafted methodological approach in order to test its effectiveness and clarity also for other organizations like them.

1 organisation for sustainable development (Organisation Earth) for the development of a methodological approach towards a new economic model that considers social & environmental impact.

1 research organization, IREF for the research activity and the development of the methodology and its evaluation.

1 University, (University of Cassino) for the methodological approach, evaluation and certification of results, dissemination and sustainability of the methodology.


US Acli


US Acli – Ufficio progetti

Is the sports segment of Acli, an association that translates its ideas in action, services and projects for citizens, workers, retirees, women, youth, marginalized and the most vulnerable groups; they have a capillary presence at local, regional and national levels with rank and file structures, clubs, and sports associations. US Acli considers sport as a fundamental element for welfare, for a better quality of life for individuals and society at large.


Sports Union of Slovenia


Is the main umbrella organization of sport for all in Slovenia. Connects different sports organizations, associations, clubs and individuals working in the field of sports recreations and sports education in Slovenia. Their common goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle and active use of leisure time. 

Champions ohne Grenzen E.V


Is a nonprofit organization from Berlin (Germany), that promotes exchange and communication and identifies yet ignored fields of action in refugee policies to allow refugees to actively take part in shaping their environment. Its target group are Refugees, either female or male, starting from the age of six.

The Consell Esportiu del Pla de l’Estany

(Catalonia – Spain)

Is a non–profit organization with the main goal of organizing and promoting physical activity and sport in the Pla de l’Estany region. To do so, the organization is strongly connected to other entities in the region such as councils, clubs, foundations, and associations. It believes in the concept of health, both individual and collective, as the epicentre of the contents of its actions. 

Girl Power Organization


Is a nonprofit grassroots sports entity, established in June 2014, and it’s passionate about empowering minority groups and rising awareness on gender-related issues, by creating opportunities especially for women from minority groups to get access to sports and allowing them to create their own sports experience. 

Organization Earth


is Nonprofit Civil Society organization founded in 2010 that operates at the intersection of People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership, by offering programs of non-typical education and by facilitating community-based action & grassroot activities on sustainable development, primarily in urban centres.

Educational and Training Research Institute- IREF


is a research organization founded in 1968. The principal aim of IREF is to “encourage the knowledge on cultural, economic and social issues, considering their historical dimension and referring to personal, educational, scholastic, training, professional, health and social security condition of workers and of the relative families, associations and institutions as agencies of cultural, economic and social progress”.

University of Cassino and Southern Lazio


is “reference point” for the geographical area embracing southern Lazio, Campania and Molise regions.  The international orientation of the university focuses both on research as well as teaching activities.  Main fields of research of the Department of Human Sciences, Society and Health are Health and Education, with a focus on sports and physical activities, social inequalities in health and lifestyles, sport for all.  Furthermore, the Dept. acts at National and European level to support the development of the Sports Science Sector by promoting a strong link between the Education and Training Providers and the Labor Market. 

Project memberships

Department of Prison Administration – Ministry of Justice; Bologna District House, Banca Popolare Etica, Italian Federation of Physical Educators.