Online event – Friday 16th October 2020, 10-12 a.m. The conference gathers SIMCAS (Social Inclusion Methodology in Critical Areas via Sport) project partners and professionals and researchers in the field of sport-based social intervention, to discuss the role of sport in the integration of migrants and SIMCAS’s first research outputs. The international conference “Making integration […]
Tag: meeting
Giornata nazionale lo sport che vogliamo
It is a day of sport promoted annually by the US Acli that takes place simultaneously throughout Italy to promote a sport inclusive, accessible to all and an instrument of well-being. It is therefore directed to citizens of all ages with a focus on the most vulnerable categories, including immigrants. For the 3rd National Day […]
Sport beyond borders: lo sport per l’inclusione sociale dei detenuti
Workshop directed to US Acli executives and sports operators working in prisons. A meeting to deepen the characteristics of the prison context and the successful elements of a sports program of social inclusion for prisoners. The reflection will start from the presentation of “DOING SUCH A HARD JOB DOING SUCH A HARD JOB – The […]